Our site (and this blog) were both down for about a week thanks to some stupid problem at our webhost; of course this happened during a week containing not one but two big announcements.
The first is: N+ is out on DS/PSP!! It came out last Tuesday (the 26th); we haven’t heard how it’s doing yet, but the response has been quite positive. Delaying it allowed a lot of improvements to be made, and we’re really glad that Atari cared enough about the quality to not push it out in early 2008. The handhelds are a little different than N+ XBLA in terms of feel, though it’s hard to say that difference is “good” or “bad” — things just feel a bit faster.
People are starting to send us feedback, noting several smaller issues; most of these were raised during development, but for whatever reason they were never really addressed. Still, overall, N+ for DS and PSP are very fun games, and we think you’ll find a lot to enjoy.
The second news item has aged much more poorly: we were at the 2008 Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle, but we’ve since returned. We were hoping to post so we could arrange to meet with anyone who would be attending, so that was unfortunate, but otherwise it was a great show, and we had a blast. This year we didn’t have a booth or anything, we were just there to see friends (hi Robber Tom!) and meet with a few people, as well as the usual wandering around the expo floor. The “Console Freeplay” rooms had some 360s with N+ XBLA installed, and the DS/PSP versions were playable at the Atari booth. We gave out a huge stack of N+ XBLA flyers, as well as some new pins and stickers we recently had made — they’re viewable in the last picture of each listing in the merch store.
The bad news concerning our website troubles is that we managed to recover the posts, but none of the comments.. we’re so sorry! You can still see them all if you browse with Google Cache, and if you feel like remaking your comments, we do encourage that. We also lost a huge in-progress Robotology post, but it definitely could have been much, much worse.
The good news is that the next N+ XBLA levelpack will be coming in the next couple of weeks — stay tuned for another exciting “contesque” celebrating its imminent release! Woohoo!
And of us Sublime winners?
(Man I have to sound annoying by now… sorry! but I really really want N+ 😛 )
We feel your pain — we don’t have our copies yet either 🙂 But rest assured, they have been mailed and they are on their way. Keep us posted!
well to be honest, I was worried. I considered sending you guys a message on Xbox live to see what was up, but every time I got on, I just found myself playing Braid, N+, or GeoWars2, thus the deep concern was never translated. I’m still irritated with you both beating me on Pacifism. Hope all is well though.
Are we -ever- going to get posters in the Etsy store? 😛
(yeah, I must be sounding pretty annoying by now too.)
I just got n+ for the DS! As a note for people, there are minor spoilers in this post. For the first level pack I unlocked, I couldn’t find where it was. Now, I’ve unlocked new level packs since then, and I know for sure they were multiplayer. Was the first one multiplayer?
Also, I thought I was going to be disappointed about the lack of wifi multiplayer, but it’s so good I don’t even miss it. I guess you have to save something for the sequel. ;P
so, i just read about this new feature coming to the PSP…
apparently some games with local-only multiplayer will be able to have online multiplayer now too, simply because of the next firmware update!
…however not all games will be supported, so i was hoping you could push atari to make sure N+ is one of the games supported.
that way i actually COULD play N+ with other people! would be nice anyways.
anyways, i am loving the game. its a lot of fun, and i truly honestly hope you guys make your fair share of profit from the game.
don’t forget about making an N game for PSN once your exclusivity contract is up!
Woo, got shouted out to! 😀 It was great to see you guys at PAX, this year was absolutely ridiculous. Looking forward to seeing you at next year’s PAX 10 booth (for indie developers) with Robotology. Or, if it’s not ready by then, I suppose I’ll just see you at PAX: East Coast in Spring 2010 😛
Been playing the PSP version of N+ for a few days now – overall, I’d say it’s a good translation of N to a portable platform. I’m not sure I like the direction taken with the art and look-and-feel, and a few little things about it annoy me, but the game is fun.
All this N+ talk though… is N 1.5 an abandoned goal? I really do prefer the Flash version. (Also, fix linux stuttering issue 🙂 )
Nope, we’re still doing v1.5. Things have been a little busy lately, sorry for the delay. We’re planning to get it done as soon as possible, but who knows when that will be!
i seriously can’t wait for v1.5
hopefully some online co-op for that? possibly?
i would kill for that. even just 2 player.
and more secrets. and those spinning laser turrets.. more enemies!!
okay, i’ll stop. lol.
I think any online or multiplayer might have to wait for N^2 (or whatever we call the sequel to N). We’re not looking forward to doing that stuff in flash!