Tag Archive: year in review

Happy Holidays

2023 – Year of the Map Pack

24 Dec / by: M&R / 5 comments / tags : ,,,,,,

Well it’s that time again, time for the yearly check in from all of us here at Metanet Software, to let you know what we’re up to and how things are going. It’s been a pretty good year, finally — it feels like the past few have been pretty heavy, but this time things seem […]

2022, we won’t miss you.

21 Dec / by: M&R / 4 comments / tags : ,,

We had such high hopes for 2022, but things didn’t exactly pan out as well as we’d have liked. We’re still here! That’s something anyway. 🙂 This year we worked on 4 different prototypes; there’s nothing to show/announce yet, but hopefully that will change soon. There’s an ARPG, a platformer, a fighting game, and an […]

N lamp with santa hat and neon christmas tree


25 Dec / by: M&R / 6 comments / tags : ,,

What a year, huh? It started out with so much potential and promise — we moved to a new city that we were excited to explore and get to know, we had gotten cracking on a new prototyping framework that we were looking forward to experimenting with and filling up with new ideas, and we’d […]

2018 Year in Review

28 Dec / by: M&R / 2 comments / tags : ,

hi everyone! Wow, we made it — 2018 is almost over. The big news this year: we celebrated the launch of N++ on Nintendo Switch back in May, thanks to the incredible team at Blitworks. Since then, the game has been enjoyed by a whole new audience, and it’s been so gratifying to see that. […]

Our Top 5 Best Moments of 2015

28 Dec / by: M&R / 11 comments / tags : ,,

As this year winds down, we took some time to reflect on our favourite moments. Not surprisingly, they’re all about N++, since it’s been a particularly N++ centric year 😉 It was too hard to order these, so consider them all tied for the number 1 spot. Here we go! 5. Launch We launched N++ […]

2014: Year in Review

24 Dec / by: M&R / 24 comments / tags : ,

Whew, what a year! It was one full of promise, anticipation, slight disappointment, readjustment, happiness, excitement and more anticipation. Some ups, some downs, and a LOT of work, but overall it was a good year. It was Metanet’s 10th anniversary of incorporation! It’s amazing that a tiny team of two has survived this long doing […]

Happy New Year!

01 Jan / by: M&R / 17 comments / tags :

Happy New Year! It’s going to be an exciting one. But first, let’s look back on 2013 a bit.   2013 was a remarkably busy year for us, right out of the gate. We’d spent most of 2012 finalizing N v2.0, and 2013 started with a bang. Let’s look at that launch video one more […]
