N Tutorial A – Collision Detection and Response table of contents SECTION 0: General Introduction SECTION 1: Separating Axis Theorem SECTION 2: Separating Axis Theorem for AABBs SECTION 3: Separating Axis Theorem for Circles SECTION 4: Separating Axis Theorem for Points SECTION 5: Fast-Moving Objects SECTION 6: Conclusion […]
Tag Archive: N
N Tutorial A – Collision Detection and Response
07 May / by: M&R / 6 comments / tags : collision,game dev,NN Tutorial B – Broad-Phase Collision table of contents SECTION 0: General Introduction SECTION 1: Basic Tile Grid SECTION 2: Advanced Tile Grid SECTION 3: Object Grid SECTION 4: Raycasting SECTION 5: Conclusion / Source Code WORKS CITED SECTION 0: General Introduction The previous tutorial examined how “narrow-phase” […]
We’re having a few problems with the N v2.0 database right now. You may notice that many of the user levels may be missing info. We’re trying to fix an issue many people have written to us about lately — while trying to solve that problem, things went awry and this new problem was created. […]
We’ve got something special for you: a guest post by Andrew Pritchard, who has made a few binary calculators in N. He’s written an awesome, in-depth summary of how binary addition works and how he implemented it in N, and we had to share it with you all because of how incredibly cool this is. […]
Update! Things are busy around here as we pour our efforts mainly into N++. Fortunately, Golden Gear have been fixing some bugs in N v2.0, and this week we were able to find the time to create these new builds and get the online version up and running on The Way of the Ninja. […]
We’ve uploaded a new version of N v2.0 both online and for download, fixing a few of the major bugs — we’re still working on tracking down more. We’ll keep you posted! https://www.thewayoftheninja.org/n_downloads.html EDIT: A new new version is up now. Should fix episode unlocking problems.
This is it! Remember that game you played in high school but forgot about through college? Yes, it’s the update you’ve been waiting for but probably forgot about since it’s been so long! N v2.0 is finally finished, ready to eat up your free time (and maybe some time at work too) once again. This launch […]
So we have big news. Big exciting news. We’re working on the absolutely final iteration of N: it will be called N++ N++ follows in the tradition of N+ and improves on it; it’s a bigger, better, more fully-featured version, with everything N has, plus plus: New levels, new graphics, new sound, new game modes […]
Surprise! We have a few updates to the N v2.0 beta for you to check out. Thanks for all the feedback you’ve been emailing and posting to the blog and forum, by the way, it’s helped identify quite a few bugs. We and Golden Gear Games have been working tirelessly all month on fixing them, […]
Yes, N v2.0 is finally coming together, and as promised we have for you a new beta version to try out. Hooray! Most of the obvious kinks from the initial beta have been worked out; we’re looking forward to a whole new batch of problems 🙂 Here you go! N v2.0 Public Beta For our […]