Happy Valentines Day!

14 Feb / by: M&R / 14 comments / tags :

Happy Valentines Day!

As always, we have made valentines — here’s the web version of Metanet’s 2013 Valentine (shows front and back):
Metanet's 2013 valentine

The printed versions come in two flavours, and we’ll be distributing them over the next month or two. So if you see us, please come say hi and grab one!

Why Valentines? Here’s what we wrote last year; it’s still true:

We started making corporate valentines so we could more easily express to others that we really appreciate and love what they do. We wanted to reinforce the need to support each other, as we are all part of a dynamic and interconnected community, and to counteract some of the negative undercurrent that inevitably exists in such groups. Also, if corporations really are people, it’s only fair that they observe the same social niceties as human people! 😉 These happy little cards mean: you are either doing some pretty cool stuff or are a pretty cool person, or both, and we think that is awesome.

Things are still progressing with the N v2.0 beta — we should have another update for you all to test as soon as a couple kinks get worked out with saving/loading levels. Also, the next beta will be the first one with the new level editor… can’t wait to find all the bugs in that! 🙂 Look for that soon.

In semi-related news, we have another project which was supposed to start a month ago, however we’ve been dragging our feet on starting it since we wanted to get v2.0 finished first. At this point we really have to start working on the new thing, so work on v2.0 will be moved to “the backburner” (aka weekends). There isn’t too much left to do though, and our plan is to have it completed in the next month or two. Also, we can’t tell you about the new project yet because nothing has been signed, but we can’t wait to tell you all about it as soon as everything is official!

Finally, System Shock 2 is being re-released today over at GOG! It is a great game, one of our all-time favourites, and you should all play it.


comments ( 14 )

  • Its pretty cool how fast things are going with N 2.0 on this 2013, and I really aprecciate your hard work, thanks for that! 😀

    Kinda curious to that project as well…

  • Happy valentines day to you too

  • N 2.0 late March / start April?

  • Is the other project related to N or what?

  • Woo, N 2.0 in only 2 more years time!

  • Come on guys, there is a HUGE difference between a project that is 95% completed and a project that is 100% completed. You’re SOO close, don’t procrastinate now! Finish your greatest creation ever so you can move your focus to whatever else, but finish it first!

  • @Abraham: We’re not procrastinating, we’re still working on both projects.

  • Wouldn’t it be cool if lasers could be set to destroy bounceblocks… <3

  • Monthly reminder as per usual: v2 arcade beta prizes. It’s been nearly fourteen months. Come on, hurry up 😉

    Also, how’s that editor that you said you were going to release before the end of January going?

  • Blog post soon? LYL x

  • Details in the next blog post, coming soon.

  • Hey everyone at Metanet! Great to see progress after such a long time, am loving the Beta. Weird thing though, one day I opened n up and discovered that the 10, 20 and 30, columns had been completely unlocked as if I had played through all the levels. This was weird, because I had got halfway through the 10 column and another column (as well as half the 40 column). Screenshot here.
    Perhaps my data got corrupted somehow? Some sort of bug?
    Also there’s those weird ar1 ar2 ar3 that just default to the first level in 00. So I dunno what’s happening but hope you can fix it!

  • read other blog posts jason

  • Don’t worry thats quite normal in this Beta, some aspects including that are buggy, its common, they’ll be fixed in the release.

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