IGN Developer Blog

15 Jan / by: M&R / 11 comments /

The first article in a series we’re writing is up on IGN, you can check it out here: https://blogs.ign.com/Metanet/2008/01/15/77103/

We were feeling pretty silly when we wrote it (writing it at 1am the night before it was due may also have played a part). It was meant to be one of those “who are you and what are independent games?” intro blurbs — we were just so bored with writing those that we went CRAAAAAAAZY!

The plan is to write one of these every two weeks until the handheld versions are released. Later articles will hopefully contain some actual content; the series is meant to introduce IGN readers to the wonderful world of independent gaming, which probably isn’t usually covered on IGN. So we’ll be talking about our favorite games, offering suggestions and encouragement for making your own games, and much much more. All the while shamelessly plugging N+ at every available opportunity. Hooray!

comments ( 11 )

  • wow, I cant wait untill these come out!

    the blog is sorta funny

  • :excitement:

  • “Indie N-deed”? Are you sure you didn’t come up with that? lol.

    Great (and humorous) article, by the way.

    …okay, maybe it was only great BECAUSE it was humorous.

  • Oh, cool.

  • “In some cases the developer may be destined to lead the uprising against our future robot overlords, in which case they would be forced to live “off the grid” so as to protect themselves from the inevitable time-traveling cyborg assassins.”

    That’s awesome.

  • “How do “indies” differ from “non-indies” (often* referred to as “undies”)?”

    That’s one bit of terminology that REALLY needs to catch on!

  • i agree indies vs. undies. LOL.

    anyways, i checked out your blog, left a question, and now im anxiously awaiting your next blog entry.

    hopefully you do them quite often! i already check the metablog 5 times more often than it updates! :p

  • another mention on joystiq – nice.

  • Congrats on N+, and the other versions. I just read through that article, and was very entertained… don’t remember what it was about though 🙂

  • “Later articles will hopefully contain some actual content”

    i sure hope you release one of these so-called “later” articles sometime soon.. im itching for some new N+ news.

  • I’m sure N+ is incredibly awexomely cool, and I’d love to play it if I had any of systems it runs on, but unfortunately I don’t =(. Because of this serious problem, the only thing I have to look forward to in life is Robotology. Please give more articles/demos! It would make living easier to bear.

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