Originally posted by M&R | July 21, 2008
Yes, it’s finally here! July 23 2008 will see the release of the first (of three) downloadable levelpacks on XBLA. Sorry this took so long!
This set of levels contains 150 “easier” singleplayer levels, and 50 “pretty hard” co-op levels; it will cost 200 points, which is only 1 point per level!
So far the best entry for the contesque has only guessed 5 out of 8 level names correctly.. keep those entries coming! We’ll post the winners after the contesque closes on Wednesday.
The other two levelpacks are waiting in the release queue, we’ll be having contesques to celebrate whenever they launch — unfortunately this won’t be in August, as apparently the launch schedule is super-packed.. oh well, hopefully that schedule includes Braid!
The second levelpack will feature 150 “harder” singleplayer, 50 race, and 25 survival maps. The third levelpack is free, and features reworked levels from the original N — 150 singleplayer, 50 race, and 50 co-op.
Each levelpack also features a special little gift…let’s just say the ninjas are looking pretty good 😉
The sad news concerning the levelpacks is that they won’t work with leaderboards or achievements; this was one of the major issues we had hoped to address in the ill-fated Title Update. If at some later point we manage to get everyone on board for a TU — say, for a special anniversary — this will definitely be on the top of the list.
Anyway, stay tuned for more contesques and levelpack news.. and hopefully a Robotology post in there somewhere!
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