We’re having a few problems with the N v2.0 database right now. You may notice that many of the user levels may be missing info. We’re trying to fix an issue many people have written to us about lately — while trying to solve that problem, things went awry and this new problem was created.
It may take a few weeks to restore the backup from a few weeks ago — we’re working on it as fast as we can, but the holidays are causing a few delays. The good news is, most of the levels themselves are still there, we just need to restore the names etc.
There might be some data loss, but hopefully it won’t be severe — we’ll know as soon as our server admin can take a look at the latest backup, and we’ll keep you posted. We’re really sorry about the inconvenience!
I’m the one responsible for the mishap. I accidentally decimated the levels database and found out the hard way that there were no automatic server backups. Our former server admin thought there was but it turned out there wasn’t. How embarrassing! Luckily most of the level data was spared including high scores and replays. I just don’t have any way to access the last backup I made until mid January. Please be patient! All levels will be restored.
Sorry for the inconvenience!!
Hey where’s my Levels in favourite?
And these Introducing:Colour! Will be in N++?
No levels were lost, but the favorites table in the database was lost on December 18th, 2014 and we have no way of recovering this table. We are sorry. 😐 We are considering automatically adding favorites to the database based on the levels you have ranked in the top 10 on. We are currently seeking feedback from people before we go ahead with that.