Category Archive: news

Happy Holidays

2023 – Year of the Map Pack

24 Dec / by: M&R / 5 comments / tags : ,,,,,,

Well it’s that time again, time for the yearly check in from all of us here at Metanet Software, to let you know what we’re up to and how things are going. It’s been a pretty good year, finally — it feels like the past few have been pretty heavy, but this time things seem […]

Peach, Pepper and Parsley

Happy Valentine’s Day 2023

14 Feb / by: M&R / 1 comments / tags : ,

If you’re reading this blog post, you probably already know that we’re fans of Valentine’s Day — and if not, now you do! 😉 We generally like to use this holiday to let our fans know we appreciate them, by making and giving out Valentines either in physical or digital form. This year we haven’t […]

2022, we won’t miss you.

21 Dec / by: M&R / 4 comments / tags : ,,

We had such high hopes for 2022, but things didn’t exactly pan out as well as we’d have liked. We’re still here! That’s something anyway. 🙂 This year we worked on 4 different prototypes; there’s nothing to show/announce yet, but hopefully that will change soon. There’s an ARPG, a platformer, a fighting game, and an […]

Happy Valentine’s Day <3

14 Feb / by: M&R / 8 comments / tags : ,,,,

Happy Valentine’s Day! If you’re a familiar with us, you might know we are fans of Valentine’s Day. Why? Well here’s what we said about them way back in 2011: We are always looking for ways to give back, or to tell people about how awesome we think they are, and how much we appreciate […]

2021 is finally done!

31 Dec / by: M&R / 0 comments / tags : ,,

Well, every year we keep wishing things will get better, and this year is no different. 2021 was not a great year, but with the bar that low, we are really hoping 2022 will surpass it easily, haha. ;D It’s been a long and unpredictable year, again due to the pandemic. We recovered a bit […]

N lamp with santa hat and neon christmas tree


25 Dec / by: M&R / 6 comments / tags : ,,

What a year, huh? It started out with so much potential and promise — we moved to a new city that we were excited to explore and get to know, we had gotten cracking on a new prototyping framework that we were looking forward to experimenting with and filling up with new ideas, and we’d […]

2019, we hardly knew ye

20 Dec / by: M&R / 3 comments / tags : ,

Seriously, where did the time go? It seemed like 2019 flew by… It was a busy year for us, full of big milestones and big changes. Metanet Software celebrated our 15th anniversary this year (details in this blog post), a landmark achievement in a tumultuous industry. We did a long retrospective in that linked blog […]

Happy 15th, Metanet Software Inc!

29 May / by: M&R / 18 comments / tags : ,,,,

Our little company is 15 years old this year and we could not be more proud. Actually, technically, we’ve been around even longer: We founded Metanet Software in 2001, shortly after we met, when we discovered that we both loved games and wanted to take a chance and make them. We incorporated Metanet officially in […]

2018 Year in Review

28 Dec / by: M&R / 2 comments / tags : ,

hi everyone! Wow, we made it — 2018 is almost over. The big news this year: we celebrated the launch of N++ on Nintendo Switch back in May, thanks to the incredible team at Blitworks. Since then, the game has been enjoyed by a whole new audience, and it’s been so gratifying to see that. […]

Joyeux N++

23 Dec / by: M&R / 8 comments / tags : ,,

Ho ho ho! Or whatever your favourite holiday mascot says. 😀 We’ve been working tirelessly all year adding to N++ and making it even better, and have we got gifts for you! First of all, Aaron and Nick are working on the PS4 Ultimate Edition patch as we speak. So we’ll get that into cert […]
